Saturday, October 25, 2008

Training Institute...We're back.

Sorry for the delay in informing you all about the recent round of Pastor's training. There was no way to access the blog from Ethiopia and I failed to recall the email access that I had set up for updating from abroad. We just arrived back to the US last night. I feel very strongly that the trip was a beneficial one.

The topics that were dealt with are terribly misunderstood worldwide within our churches.
Because of this, I am convinced that dealing with these issues was critical and I trust also that the Lord used the teaching to gain glory for Himself in His church in Ethiopia.

The way in which God works in the soul of man to bring him from being a lost soul to a child of the King is terribly misunderstood in our day. Careful attention was given to considering how in fact He does it, what it requires of Him, and what our response is to this amazing work of God Almighty. Hours were spent looking at what the bible says about the Atonement, God's calling of man, the granting of new life in Christ, repentance, faith, justification, adoption, being conformed to Jesus, and final glorification in Christ when we see Him face to face and are made like Him because we see Him as He is.

A significant portion of time was also given to the bible's teaching on the Holy Spirit. We confirmed scripturally that the Holy Spirit is a person and He also is God, co-equal with the Father and the Son. From there, His work was proclaimed from the creation of the world through His work corporately in the New Testament church today. The majority of our focus was on the regenerating work of the Spirit of God in the heart of man. Sadly, the church in Ethiopia believes like most churches in America do when it comes the the work of the Spirit in the Salvation of man. There is a huge misconception that our believing the gospel precedes the implantation of life from above. The bible is clear on this issue. We are dead in our sins. We are capable on no good thing. Yet, we must be born again. How? From above! From God himself through the work of His Son applied to our hearts by the regeneration of the Holy Spirit. After hours of dealing with this in the text, a couple of men stood to say that they have been believing and practicing that which is not biblically accurate and it must not be pleasing to God. They stated that their foundation was faulty and needed to be removed. One of the ministers went on to suggest that they should all repent of their attitudes toward this doctrine and begin to trust in God alone for the salvation of their people as well as their own salvation.

I hope God will make much of His Name in the lives of these men by continuing to convince them of the truth of His word and and the seriousness of His commands concerning His church.

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